Legality Attentive Data Scientists

The Project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Innovative Training Networks. Grant Agreement ID: 956562
LeADS research and educational program trains an interdisciplinary professional figure that called Legality Attentive Data Scientist. S/he will be an expert in data science and law, expected to work within and across the two disciplines, a leader in bridging scientific skills with the ethic-legal constraints of their operating environment.
LeADS will develop a data science capable of maintaining its innovative solutions within the borders of law – by design and by default – and of helping expand the legal frontiers in line with innovation needs, preventing the enactment of legal rules technologically unattainable.
The emergence of data science has raised a wide range of concerns regarding its compatibility with the law, creating the need for experts who combine a deep knowledge of both data science and legal matters. The LeADS ITN project will train 15 early-stage researchers (ESRs) to become legality attentive data scientists.
Meet the ESRs of LeADS project below.
Reciprocal interplay between competition law and privacy
Distributed reliability and blockchain-like technologies
Unchaining data portability potentials in a lawful digital economy
Big data, small data, and business practices
Differential privacy and explainability in the data sphere
Personal information as currency for the supply of digital content
Public-private data sharing from “data veillance” to “data relevance”
Technical and legal aspects of privacy-preserving services
User-centered, legal-ethical, and private consent models for health data sharing in the EU
From privacy by design to privacy by using
Empowering data owners by promoting PIMS
The boundaries of information property: from concepts to practice
Solving conficts between data owners and data exploiters
Neuromarketing and mental integrity between market and human rights
Technologies for algorithms and algorithmic transparency and fairness