VIDEO on the CONFERENCE Legality Attentive AI: Awareness Conference on Explainability of AI|COMANDE GIOVANNI


Legality Attentive AI: Awareness Conference on Explainability of AI

28th of January, 2022

Time 16:00 – 17:30 CET

Teams Platform

For further info on the event and registration click here Legality Attentive AI Conference | Brussels Privacy Hub


The LiderLab  of the Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna and EMbeDS are seeking applications from candidates who can make outstanding contributions to the development and the experimentation of an innovative platform for inquiring and interpretating legal documents across natural language processing techniques based on deep learning models.











Legality Attentive AI: Awareness Conference on Explainability of AI

Webinar organised by LeADS in collaboration with the Brussels Privacy Hub

28th of January, 2022

Time 16:00 – 17:30 CET

Teams Platform

For further info on the event and registration click here Legality Attentive AI Conference | Brussels Privacy Hub

To celebrate Data Protection Day, the Legality Attentive Data Scientists H2020 project with the Brussels Privacy Hub will explore one of the biggest open challenges of data protection law: Explainability and accountability of AI. The event, with high-level stakeholders and experts, will address the twists and thorns of developing legality attentive AI as a standard for our societies.

AI raises concerns for many fields of its actual and possible application for its risks of extending control on individuals and further unbalancing powers among individuals and\or with institutions and businesses. Keeping AIs in line with the law and with the EU fundamental values and ethical principles is more than a need, it is the footprint of the European approach and benchmarking of research and production of AI-based solutions.

Explainability is often offered as an answer to many concerns related to AI development and deployment. Nevertheless, explainability is not always possible yet, and explainability itself can be problematic for personal data protection.

The webinar will be moderated by Giovanni Comandé, Professor of Private Comparative Law at Scuola Superiore S. Anna Pisa. Gianclaudio Malgieri, CoDirector of the Brussels Privacy Hub will give introductory remarks.

Confirmed speakers are;

  • Paul Nemitz – Principal Advisor in the Directorate-General for Justice and Consumers of the European Commission,
  • Catelijne Muller – President of ALLAI, Member High Level Expert Group on AI and OECD Network of Experts on AI
  • Fosca Giannotti – Director of research of computer science at the Information Science and Technology Institute “A. Faedo” of the National Research Council, Pisa, Italy
  • Riccardo Masucci – Global Director of Privacy Policy – INTEL
  • Dafna Feinholz – Bioethics and Ethics of Science Section, UNESCO



SoBigData ++ and LeADS joint Awareness Panel

Recent Perspectives on Dynamic Consent in Research: a Combined Legal and Technical Approach

18th of January 2022, 1:00 – 2.30 PM CEST

Join us on Webex
password: WGkgwhYa563 (normally not requested)

Speakers: Roberta Biasotto; Tommaso Crepax; Cristian Lepore; Deborah Mascalzoni Giulia Schneider

Dynamic Consent (DC) uses information technology to enable continuous communication and interactive consent. It allows research participants to change their choices and preferences on participation and receive updated information on the research that is being conducted with their data and samples.

In this awareness panel, we therefore reflect on Dynamic Consent:

  1. From an ethical and legal point of view, particularly on how DC may:
    • Enable an appropriate balance between the protection of participants’ fundamental rights, including their right to data protection under the GDPR, and the promotion of data sharing and research, with particular regards to the case of secondary uses. In this respect the definition of different data protection regimes will be advanced in accordance to the nature of research that are targeted with secondary uses and to the nature of the subjects involved.
    • Empower the research participants with more control over their data within the new European Health Data Space.
    • Be enhanced to address the inequalities entailed by the digital divide.
  2. From the research participant’s point of view, particularly on how DC may help build a transparent trust relationship between participants and researchers.
  3. From a technological point of view, particularly on how DC technically works and the related technical opportunities and challenges


13.00 – 13.15 Greetings
Prof. Giovanni Comandé, Lider Lab, Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna

13.15 – 14.15 Roundtable

Dynamic Consent in practice: the Chris Study, Dr . Deborah Mascalzoni, EURAC
Research Center

Participant’s Perspective and Dynamic Consent, Dr . Roberta Biasotto , EURAC Research Center

Dynamic Consent for Responsive Data Governance : a Legality Attentive Analysis, Dr. Tommaso
Crepax, Lider Lab, Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna; Dr. Cristian Lepore, Irit , University Paul Sabatier
Toulouse III

The Possible Interplay Between a «Dynamic» Consent and other Legal Bases for Research in the
GDPR, Dr. Giulia Schneider, Catholic University of Milan

14.15 – 14.30 Final Discussion

Prof. Giovanni Comandé, Lider Lab, Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna

Join us on Webex
password: WGkgwhYa563 normally not requested

Contacts: Segreteria Lider Lab
email address:
ph. +39 050883533