LeADS Liaisons with the OpenMuse Consortium

The LIDER Lab at Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies recently joined a consortium of music industry stakeholders and researchers from 12 European countries. The OpenMuse Consortium’s goal is to fill harmful data gaps in the European music ecosystem and provide artists with much needed data-driven tools to increase their success in the streaming environment.

ESR Robert Poe and post-doctoral researcher Pelin Turan recently represented Sant’Anna at the Kick-off meeting for this exciting new European project in Bratislava, Slovakia. Robert’s background in EU artificial intelligence law and AI ethics and Pelin’s background in cultural diversity and EU copyright law proved invaluable during the many coordination meetings that took place there. Sant’Anna will head up three deliverables for the Consortium including the development of a data management plan and policy recommendations involving fair machine learning techniques and topics in cultural diversity; research areas which present opportunities for the Legality Attentive Data Scientists to offer insightful contributions in the future. Sant’Anna is looking forward to a bright and productive collaboration between the two projects where there is sufficient overlap!

LeADS and LiderLab co-organize Workshop on ethical and legal issues in technology

The LeADS project will co-organize a workshop with the LiderLab titled “Dealing with ethical legal issues in technology development: the current approaches adopted in ongoing projects” in a hybrid format at the Aula Magna Storica – Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, Pisa Italy on March 3rd 2023 12.00 – 13.30.


12.00 – 12.10 – Greetings and introduction to the workshop, D. Amram

12.10 – 12.20 – The VALKYRIES ecosystem and the ethical-legal issues, D. Amram & G. Comandé

12.20 – 12.30 5GSOSIA Proof of concept and ethical-legal remarks, V. Lionetti & M. Gagliardi & L. Valcarenghi

12.30 – 12.40 The RESCUER toolkit, E. Keremidou

12.40 – 12.50 The FACILITATE project and its challenges, J. M. C. Blom & D. Mascalzoni

12.50 – 13.20 Hands up Session: Q&A and Discussion, All

13.20 – 13.30 Conclusions: LeADS and the legality attentive generation of data scientists, G. Comandé

Please register to the event here and the link for event can be found here


ESRs in Podcasts: Xengie Doan on Interdisciplinary Research

ESR Xengie Doan got invited on the Ethical allies podcast that aims to uncover what really happens with ethical tech, digital rights, and more. In the episode “Data Science & Law: How Interdisciplinary Research Addresses Future Challenges”, Xengie addresses various questions on the importance of an interdisciplinary perspective in data science and law – despite both being fundamentally different.

Professionals from both fields would benefit from having a deeper understanding of the other perspective: data scientists should understand the fundamentals of the GDPR to find better and more flexible ways of implementing it and to be more ethical within those guidelines. Lawyers, on the other hand, should have a deeper understanding of the complexity of evolving technologies to find and develop an appropriate legal framework.

The Podcast can be listened to on the website of the Ethical Commerce Alliance.

Summary and Video of the Awareness Conference

Legality Attentive AI: Awareness Conference on Explainability of AI

28th of January, 2022

Webinar organised by LeADS in collaboration with the Brussels Privacy Hub



Summary of the Conference authored by ESR Robert Poe

For Privacy Day 2022, LeADS (Legality Attentive Data Scientists) and the Brussels Privacy Hub collaborated on the Awareness Conference on the Explainability of AI. Together, the group put on a panel of distinguished speakers: Paul Nemitz of the European Commission; Catelijne Muller, President of ALLAI, EESC, OECD for AI, and HLEG on AI; Dafna Feinholz of UNESO; Riccardo Masucci of Intel; and Fosca Giannotti of Scoula Normale Superiore and CNR.


From the start, meaningful debate arose. And, until the last word, each speaker expressed themselves seriously and eloquently.


Dafna Feinholz spoke both of the great benefits and risks of AI and of the recent UNESCO Recommendations on the Ethics of AI (Nov. 2021). The Recommendations are admirable, advocating from design to deployment, an ethical approach benefiting all actors involved in an AI projects lifecycle.


Paul Nemitz marked the recent change of direction by the EU, from a focus on ethics to an establishment of legislation. Paul stressed that, in his opinion, these Codes of Conduct (professional ethics) were created to defend companies against regulatory action. Further, he argued that we need binding rules to have fair competition in the EU, and that companies should not be allowed to wash their hands of responsibility for artificial intelligence systems when they have released them in the marketplace.


Catelijne Muller thoughtfully rejected the commonly held belief that regulation would stifle innovation, saying, “First of all, they don’t, they promote innovation because they level the playing field.” She added that regulations do not only give much needed legal certainty to corporate actors, but regulations also produce standards that will push companies to develop more sustainable and worthwhile AI systems. Catelijne continued by asking the audience to keep in mind the limited capabilities of AI systems today. She ended with a hopeful legal remark on explainability: where a human is already required by law to explain something, the AI is bound as well.


Riccardo Masucci celebrated the consensus the EU has built around the general ethical principles that should guide the development of AI but lamented that convergence on technical solutions has not yet happened. He added that future investments must be put into standardization.


Fosca Giannotti, coming from a technical background, enthusiastically welcomed the responsibility placed on developers of AI, arguing that it brings forth new scientific challenges; and that, in the context of explainability, this responsibility is changing AI research: ensuring a focus on the synergistic collaboration between humans and AI systems. However, she expressed the need for appropriate validation processes for such systems, which is difficult because it requires the evaluation of human-machine interactions (social-technical interactions).


Afterwards, during the discussion phase, a debate sprang forth around a tweet shared in the chat, “…you have to choose between a black box AI surgeon that cannot explain how it works but has a 90% cure rate and a human surgeon with an 80% cure rate that can explain how they work.” Nemitz referred to such hypotheticals as “boogeymen” used to argue against fundamental rights. Meanwhile Muller firmly confronted a commenter who asked whether a human surgeon could even explain themselves, saying that she would certainly hope so, and that these types of hypotheticals are nonsensical.


Over 70 attendees came to celebrate Privacy Day with an afternoon packed full of thought-provoking interaction. Thank you to everyone involved at LeADS and the Brussels Privacy Hub for hosting such an event.

WATCH AGAIN THE SoBigData++ and LeADS Awaraness Panel

Recent Perspectives on Dynamic Consent in Research: a Combined Legal and Technical Approach


VIDEO on the CONFERENCE Legality Attentive AI: Awareness Conference on Explainability of AI|COMANDE GIOVANNI


Legality Attentive AI: Awareness Conference on Explainability of AI

28th of January, 2022

Time 16:00 – 17:30 CET

Teams Platform

For further info on the event and registration click here Legality Attentive AI Conference | Brussels Privacy Hub

Legality Attentive AI: Awareness Conference on Explainability of AI

Webinar organised by LeADS in collaboration with the Brussels Privacy Hub

28th of January, 2022

Time 16:00 – 17:30 CET

Teams Platform

For further info on the event and registration click here Legality Attentive AI Conference | Brussels Privacy Hub

To celebrate Data Protection Day, the Legality Attentive Data Scientists H2020 project with the Brussels Privacy Hub will explore one of the biggest open challenges of data protection law: Explainability and accountability of AI. The event, with high-level stakeholders and experts, will address the twists and thorns of developing legality attentive AI as a standard for our societies.

AI raises concerns for many fields of its actual and possible application for its risks of extending control on individuals and further unbalancing powers among individuals and\or with institutions and businesses. Keeping AIs in line with the law and with the EU fundamental values and ethical principles is more than a need, it is the footprint of the European approach and benchmarking of research and production of AI-based solutions.

Explainability is often offered as an answer to many concerns related to AI development and deployment. Nevertheless, explainability is not always possible yet, and explainability itself can be problematic for personal data protection.

The webinar will be moderated by Giovanni Comandé, Professor of Private Comparative Law at Scuola Superiore S. Anna Pisa. Gianclaudio Malgieri, CoDirector of the Brussels Privacy Hub will give introductory remarks.

Confirmed speakers are;

  • Paul Nemitz – Principal Advisor in the Directorate-General for Justice and Consumers of the European Commission,
  • Catelijne Muller – President of ALLAI, Member High Level Expert Group on AI and OECD Network of Experts on AI
  • Fosca Giannotti – Director of research of computer science at the Information Science and Technology Institute “A. Faedo” of the National Research Council, Pisa, Italy
  • Riccardo Masucci – Global Director of Privacy Policy – INTEL
  • Dafna Feinholz – Bioethics and Ethics of Science Section, UNESCO



SoBigData ++ and LeADS joint Awareness Panel

Recent Perspectives on Dynamic Consent in Research: a Combined Legal and Technical Approach

18th of January 2022, 1:00 – 2.30 PM CEST

Join us on Webex
password: WGkgwhYa563 (normally not requested)

Speakers: Roberta Biasotto; Tommaso Crepax; Cristian Lepore; Deborah Mascalzoni Giulia Schneider

Dynamic Consent (DC) uses information technology to enable continuous communication and interactive consent. It allows research participants to change their choices and preferences on participation and receive updated information on the research that is being conducted with their data and samples.

In this awareness panel, we therefore reflect on Dynamic Consent:

  1. From an ethical and legal point of view, particularly on how DC may:
    • Enable an appropriate balance between the protection of participants’ fundamental rights, including their right to data protection under the GDPR, and the promotion of data sharing and research, with particular regards to the case of secondary uses. In this respect the definition of different data protection regimes will be advanced in accordance to the nature of research that are targeted with secondary uses and to the nature of the subjects involved.
    • Empower the research participants with more control over their data within the new European Health Data Space.
    • Be enhanced to address the inequalities entailed by the digital divide.
  2. From the research participant’s point of view, particularly on how DC may help build a transparent trust relationship between participants and researchers.
  3. From a technological point of view, particularly on how DC technically works and the related technical opportunities and challenges


13.00 – 13.15 Greetings
Prof. Giovanni Comandé, Lider Lab, Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna

13.15 – 14.15 Roundtable

Dynamic Consent in practice: the Chris Study, Dr . Deborah Mascalzoni, EURAC
Research Center

Participant’s Perspective and Dynamic Consent, Dr . Roberta Biasotto , EURAC Research Center

Dynamic Consent for Responsive Data Governance : a Legality Attentive Analysis, Dr. Tommaso
Crepax, Lider Lab, Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna; Dr. Cristian Lepore, Irit , University Paul Sabatier
Toulouse III

The Possible Interplay Between a «Dynamic» Consent and other Legal Bases for Research in the
GDPR, Dr. Giulia Schneider, Catholic University of Milan

14.15 – 14.30 Final Discussion

Prof. Giovanni Comandé, Lider Lab, Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna

Join us on Webex
password: WGkgwhYa563 normally not requested

Contacts: Segreteria Lider Lab
email address: segrliderlab@santannapisa.it
ph. +39 050883533



WATCH AGAIN THE WEBINAR: SoBigData++ and LeADS joint Awareness Panel. Legal Materials as Big Data: (algo)Rithms to Support Legal Interpretation. A Dialogue with Data Scientists.

SoBigData++ and LeADS joint Awareness Panel. Legal Materials as Big Data: (algo)Rithms to Support Legal Interpretation. A Dialogue with Data Scientists.

6th of July 2021


Rights of the Internet of Everything (Last-JD-RIoE) – First Annual Conference

Wednesday and Thursday, 21-22 July, Online

This event, which takes place in the framework of the LAST-JD-RIoE Project, funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under Marie Skłodowska-Curie ITN EJD grant agreement No 814177, gathers world authorities on different aspects of the Internet of Everything the promote scientific discussion, exchange research ideas and promote business opportunities.

For further info and Program
