ESRs Fatma Dogan and Barbara Lazarotto at BILETA 2023


On April 13th 2023, ESRs Fatma Dogan and Barbara Lazarotto participated in the 38th Annual BILETA – British and Irish Law Education and Technology Association Conference. The Conference came back to The Netherlands after 22 years and had as a topic Cyberlaw: Finally getting its Act(s) together? held in Amsterdam Law and Technology Institute and online. (for more information consult the program of the conference). Fatma and Bárbara both presented their research at the Data Governance Panel, exploring the interaction between different EU Regulations.

Barbara presented her research titled The Right to Data Portability: An Holistic Analysis of GDPR, DMA and the Data Actin which she explored the interactions and overlaps when it comes to the right to data portability in the three Regulations and possible implications to data subjects’ rights. Barbara won the European Journal of Law and Technology best paper award with her paper.


Fatma presented her research titled Re-Use or Secondary Use: A Comparison between Data Governance Act and European Health Data Space, where she explored the re-use or secondary use of health data, making an analysis of the Data Governance Act and the European Health Data Space.


Both researchers received great questions and feedback from the participants which will enrich their research for future purposes.

Participation of ESR Aizhan Abdrassulova in two conferences in April 2023

Early Stage Researcher Aizhan Abdrassulova presented her research at III International Forum on Medical Law, which was held on April 6-7, 2023 in Ekaterinburg.  Her article’s title is «Some Aspects of medical ethics and Confidentiality in European Law». Aizhan outlined the basic principles of European medical ethics and its main directions of development. Participation in the conference was remote, materials will be published on the website and in print in June 2023.

Also on April 11-13, Aizhan was present offline at the 33rd Madrid International Conference on “Law, Education, Marketing and Management” (LEMM-23).

Aizhan’s topic “Data ownership: civil law aspect” is closely related to the topic of her dissertation. All papers of LEMM-23 will be published in the printed conference proceedings with a valid International ISBN number.

Each Paper will be assigned a unique Digital Object Identifier(DOI) from CROSSREF and the Proceedings of the Conference will be archived in DiRPUB’s Digital Library. Aizhan won the nomination for “Oral Best Paper Certificate”.

LeADS and LiderLab Workshop on ethical and legal issues in technology

The VALKYRIES Project– funded from the European Union´s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme, focused on analyzing, improving and developing infrastructures, protocols, and prompt data exchange standardisation and harmonisation tactics to increase effectiveness and interoperability in cross-frontier and cross-sector emergency situations, conducted its third ethical legal workshop titled “Dealing With Ethical Legal Issues Technology Development: The Current Approaches Adopted In Ongoing Projects” on March 3, 2023.

The workshop consisted of presentations by persons involved in various projects such as the VALKYRIES, 5GSOSIA, RESCUER, LEADS and FACILITATE, these presentations focused on the ethical and legal issues encountered and combatted during the course of their respective projects.

On behalf of the LeADS Project, Prof. G. Comandé introduced the legality attentive data scientists project and discussed how the LeADS Project is aimed at bridging the gap between data science and law by training early-stage researchers who are involved in the project with technical prowess as well as legal expertise. Further, he mentioned that this has been made possible by the various partnerships with companies and government agencies that the LeADS Project has carved out for its early-stage researchers to create a balance between theoretical studies and practical implementations across sectors.

Prof. Paul De Hert and ESR Barbara Lazarotto at the Norface Governance Online Lecture Series

On 01 March 2023, Prof. Paul de Hert and ESR Barbara Lazarotto participated in the third NORFACE GOVERNANCE Online Lecture Series at the University of Luxembourg. They were joined by Prof. Jean-Bernard Auby, Emeritus Professor of Public Law, Sciences Po Paris – Former Director of “Mutations de l’Action Publique et du Droit Public” («Changes in Governance and Public Law»), Former Deputy Director of the Oxford Institute of European and Comparative Law. The online lecture series was a part of the dissemination practices for the governance program.

The lecture was titled Should the state be smart?“, and approached the concept of “smartness” as a buzzword that is sold by private companies to governments, which often adopt technology to micromanage individuals’ lives, confusing it with administrative effectiveness. The lecture explored possible alternative paradigms for governments for the future and their relationship with technology.