ESRs Fatma Dogan and Barbara Lazarotto at BILETA 2023


On April 13th 2023, ESRs Fatma Dogan and Barbara Lazarotto participated in the 38th Annual BILETA – British and Irish Law Education and Technology Association Conference. The Conference came back to The Netherlands after 22 years and had as a topic Cyberlaw: Finally getting its Act(s) together? held in Amsterdam Law and Technology Institute and online. (for more information consult the program of the conference). Fatma and Bárbara both presented their research at the Data Governance Panel, exploring the interaction between different EU Regulations.

Barbara presented her research titled The Right to Data Portability: An Holistic Analysis of GDPR, DMA and the Data Actin which she explored the interactions and overlaps when it comes to the right to data portability in the three Regulations and possible implications to data subjects’ rights. Barbara won the European Journal of Law and Technology best paper award with her paper.


Fatma presented her research titled Re-Use or Secondary Use: A Comparison between Data Governance Act and European Health Data Space, where she explored the re-use or secondary use of health data, making an analysis of the Data Governance Act and the European Health Data Space.


Both researchers received great questions and feedback from the participants which will enrich their research for future purposes.