ESR Fatma Doğan presents her work at Digital Law & Policy Conference
Between the dates 10-11 September, Digital Law & Policy – Proportionality Principle In IT Regulation Conference was held in Warsaw. The Conference was organized by the University of Warsaw under the patronage of the European Data Protection Supervisor. The program started with the opening speech of the lead coordinator of the conference, Jan Czarnocki in his opening words, he pointed our attention to the fact that proportionality is a concept that is often omitted and ensuring the balance in the law-making process must pay attention.
The European Data Protection Supervisor gave a presentation and mentioned the advisory document published by EDPS, titled: Guidelines for assessing the proportionality of measures that limit the fundamental rights to privacy and the protection of personal data. The first day of the conference continued with the presentations of the valuable speakers.
ESR Fatma Doğan gave a presentation on the topic she worked on with Prof Paul de Hert, titled: A Year After EU Digital COVID Certificate Regulation: An Analysis in Retrospect. In the presentation, she mentioned the proportionality and data protection constraints of the mentioned Regulation, especially from a health data protection perspective. The fact that the Regulation was extended for one more year even though its problematic features make the topic worth discussing further.